调用方法请参见Open API文档中的调用方法描述。
0. 通用参数字段说明
字段 | 描述 |
projectId | 102 |
clusterName | 分群名称 |
displayName | 分群显示名称 |
clusterCatalog | 分群类别 |
clusterType | 分群类型 |
qp | 分群查询条件(类型为UserClusterDef) |
tagQp | 标签查询条件 |
值 | 描述 |
catalog_cluster | 分群 |
catalog_tag | 标签 |
值 | 描述 |
cluster_by_dynamic_condition | 动态条件更新用户群 |
cluster_by_static_condition | 静态条件用户群 |
cluster_by_result | 结果分群 |
tag_by_dynamic_condition | 动态条件更新用户标签 |
tag_by_static_condition | 静态条件用户标签: |
字段 | 描述 |
events | 参与事件条件列表 |
event_relation | 参与事件条件之间的逻辑关系 |
filts | 用户属性条件列表 |
relation | 用户属性条件之间的逻辑关系 |
event_user_relation | 参与事件条件列表与用户属性条件列表之间的逻辑关系 |
[POST /open/user-cluster-add?token=xxxxxxx]
- 条件分群 Request body (application/json)
{ "projectId": 102, "clusterName": "recent_7_days_consume", "clusterCatalog": "catalog_cluster", "clusterType": "cluster_by_static_condition", "displayName": "recent_7_days_consume", "qp": { "events": [ { "comparator": "greater", "endTime": "2020-01-09 00:00:00", "eventName": "consume_item", "num": "4", "recentDay": "1-7", "startTime": "2020-01-03 00:00:00", "taPropQuota": { "analysis": "TIMES" } } ], "event_relation": "and", "filts": [ { "columnName": "user_level", "comparator": "equal", "ftv": [ "3" ], "tableType": "user" } ], "relation": "and", "event_user_relation": "and" } }
- 条件标签 Request body (application/json)
{ "projectId": 102, "clusterName": "tag_20200615_1", "clusterCatalog": "catalog_tag", "clusterType": "tag_by_static_condition", "displayName": "标签_20200615_1", "tagQp": { "userTagValueDefs": [ { "tagRemark": "", "tagValue": "标签值1", "userClusterDef": { "event_relation": "and", "event_user_relation": "and", "events": [ { "endTime": "2020-06-14 17:36:40", "eventName": "player_register", "num": "4", "recentDay": "1-30", "relation": "and", "startTime": "2020-05-16 17:36:40", "taPropQuota": { "analysis": "TIMES" }, "comparator": "greater" } ], "filts": [], "relation": "and" } }, { "tagRemark": "", "tagValue": "标签值2", "userClusterDef": { "event_relation": "and", "event_user_relation": "and", "events": [ { "endTime": "2020-06-14 17:36:55", "eventName": "fight_success", "num": "0", "recentDay": "1-30", "relation": "and", "startTime": "2020-05-16 17:36:55", "taPropQuota": { "analysis": "TIMES" } "uceCalcuSymbol": "greater" } ], "filts": [], "relation": "and" } } ] } }
字段 | 描述 |
tagValue | 标签值 |
userClusterDef | 标签值匹配定义,字段定义见UserClusterDef |
- Response body (application/json)
结果字段说明:{ "return_code": 0, "return_message": "success", "data": 970 }
字段 | 描述 |
data | 分群id |
2 分群或标签详情查询
[GET /open/user-cluster-detail?token=xxxxxxx&projectId=xxx&clusterId=xxxxxx]
- Response body (application/json)
参数字段说明请参考通用参数字段说明{ "data": { "clusterName": "recent_7_days_consume", "clusterType": "cluster_by_static_condition", "displayName": "recent_7_days_consume", "id": 970, "progress": 1, "projectId": 102, "refreshTime": "2020-01-10 10:51:14", "userClusterDef": { "event_relation": "and", "event_user_relation": "and", "events": [ { "comparator": "greater", "endTime": "2020-01-09 00:00:00", "eventName": "consume_item", "num": "4", "recentDay": "1-7", "startTime": "2020-01-03 00:00:00", "taPropQuota": { "analysis": "TIMES" } } ], "filts": [ { "columnName": "user_level", "comparator": "equal", "ftv": [ "3" ], "tableType": "user" } ], "relation": "and" }, "userId": 13, "usersNum": 0 }, "return_code": 0, "return_message": "success" }
3 更新分群和标签
[POST /open/user-cluster-update?token=xxxxxxx&clusterId=xxx]
- Request body (application/json)
"clusterCatalog": "catalog_cluster",
"clusterType": "cluster_by_static_condition",
"displayName": "recent_7_days_consume",
"projectId": 102,
"qp": {
"event_relation": "and",
"event_user_relation": "and",
"events": [
"comparator": "greater",
"endTime": "2020-01-09 00:00:00",
"eventName": "consume_item",
"num": "4",
"recentDay": "1-7",
"startTime": "2020-01-03 00:00:00",
"taPropQuota": {
"analysis": "TIMES"
"filts": [
"columnName": "user_level",
"comparator": "equal",
"ftv": [
"tableType": "user"
"relation": "and"
- Response body (application/json)
{ "return_code": 0, "return_message": "success" }
4 删除分群或标签
[POST /open/user-cluster-delete?token=xxxxxxx&projectId=xxx&clusterId=xxxxxx]
- Response body (application/json)
{ "return_code": 0, "return_message": "success" }
5 分群和标签列表查询
[POST /open/user-cluster-list?token=xxxxxxx]
- Request body (application/json)
{ "clusterCatalog": "catalog_cluster", "clusterTypes": [ "cluster_by_dynamic_condition", "cluster_by_static_condition" ], "pagerHeader": { "pageNum": 1, "pageSize": 10 }, "projectId": 102 }
- Response body (application/json)
{ "data": { "pagerResult": { "pageNum": 1, "pageSize": 10, "totalNum": 2 }, "userClusters": [ { "clusterName": "xuzz_ces", "clusterType": "cluster_by_static_condition", "displayName": "用户数", "id": 905, "progress": 100, "refreshTime": "2019-11-01 15:08:31", "remarks": "2134", "userId": 108, "userName": "xuzz", "usersNum": 4665 }, { "clusterName": "test", "clusterType": "cluster_by_static_condition", "displayName": "test", "id": 183, "progress": 100, "refreshTime": "2019-11-01 15:05:28", "remarks": "test", "userId": 108, "userName": "xuzz", "usersNum": 5603 } ] }, "return_code": 0, "return_message": "success" }
6 刷新条件分群或标签并获取进度
[POST /open/user-cluster-refresh?token=xxxxxxx&projectId=xxx&clusterId=xxxxxx]
- Response body (application/json)
提交刷新后,可查询刷新进度{ "return_code": 0, "return_message": "success" }
[GET /open/user-cluster-refresh-progress?token=xxxxxxx&projectId=xxx&clusterId=xxxxxx]
- Response body (application/json)
{ "data": { "progress": 80, }, "return_code": 0, "return_message": "success" }
字段 | 描述 |
progress | 取值范围[0, 100], 100代表刷新完成 |
7 创建上传ID分群
[POST /open/import-id-cluster-add?token=xxxxxxx&projectId=xxx&clusterName=xxxxxx&displayName=xxxx&remarks=xxxxx&mainColumnName=xxxxxx]
- 参数说明
字段 | 是否选填 | 描述 |
displayName | 必填 | 分群显示名称(最长50个字符) |
mainColumnName | 必填 | ID分群关联属性 |
clusterName | 选填 | 分群名称(最长24个字符) ,字母数字构成,不填则由系统生成 |
remarks | 选填 | 分群备注 |
HTTP请求头Content-Type为text/csv, 请求体为csv文件的内容。
- curl示例(trace.txt删除Send/Recv描述行)
[root@ta1 ~]# curl --trace-ascii trace.txt --header 'Content-Type: text/csv' --data-binary '@test.csv' 'http://ta2:8992/open/import-id-cluster-add?token=bTOzKiTIozG4e19FgXphcA8dDV3DIY8RwdHTO7aSnBsRqSNaIk19BnBMecJDWibD&projectId=102&displayName=xxxx&mainColumnName=%23account_id'
[root@ta1 ~]#
[root@ta1 ~]#
[root@ta1 ~]# cat trace.txt
== Info: About to connect() to ta2 port 8992 (#0)
== Info: Trying
== Info: Connected to ta2 ( port 8992 (#0)
0000: POST /open/import-id-cluster-add?token=bTOzKiTIozG4e19FgXphcA8dD
0040: V3DIY8RwdHTO7aSnBsRqSNaIk19BnBMecJDWibD&projectId=102&displayNam
0080: e=xxxx&mainColumnName=%23account_id HTTP/1.1
00ae: User-Agent: curl/7.29.0
00c7: Host: ta2:8992
00d7: Accept: */*
00e4: Content-Type: text/csv
00fc: Content-Length: 43
0000: j77639
0008: h84497
0010: g119426
0019: e154284
0022: f175355
== Info: upload completely sent off: 43 out of 43 bytes
0000: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
0000: Date: Thu, 05 Nov 2020 04:06:31 GMT
0000: Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
0000: Content-Length: 148
0000: {"data":{"clusterId":1889,"successNum":5,"tagValueNullNum":0,"un
0040: matchedNum":0,"uploadNum":5,"userNum":5},"return_code":0,"return
0080: _message":"success"}
== Info: Connection #0 to host ta2 left intact
8 修改上传ID分群
[POST /open/import-id-cluster-modify?token=xxxxxxx&projectId=xxx&clusterId=xxxxxx&displayName=xxxx&remarks=xxxxx&mainColumnName=xxxxxx]
- 参数说明
字段 | 是否选填 | 描述 |
clusterId | 必填 | 分群ID |
displayName | 选填 | 分群显示名称(最长50个字符) |
mainColumnName | 选填 | ID分群关联属性 |
remarks | 选填 | 分群备注 |
HTTP请求头Content-Type为text/csv, 请求体为csv文件的内容。
- curl示例(trace.txt删除Send/Recv描述行)
[root@ta1 ~]# curl --trace-ascii trace.txt --header 'Content-Type: text/csv' --data-binary '@test.csv' 'http://ta2:8992/open/import-id-cluster-modify?token=bTOzKiTIozG4e19FgXphcA8dDV3DIY8RwdHTO7aSnBsRqSNaIk19BnBMecJDWibD&projectId=102&clusterId=1889&displayName=xxxx&mainColumnName=%23account_id'
[root@ta1 ~]#
[root@ta1 ~]#
[root@ta1 ~]# cat trace.txt
== Info: About to connect() to ta2 port 8992 (#0)
== Info: Trying
== Info: Connected to ta2 ( port 8992 (#0)
0000: POST /open/import-id-cluster-modify?token=bTOzKiTIozG4e19FgXphcA
0040: 8dDV3DIY8RwdHTO7aSnBsRqSNaIk19BnBMecJDWibD&projectId=102&cluster
0080: Id=1889&displayName=xxxx&mainColumnName=%23account_id HTTP/1.1
00c0: User-Agent: curl/7.29.0
00d9: Host: ta2:8992
00e9: Accept: */*
00f6: Content-Type: text/csv
010e: Content-Length: 43
0000: j77639
0008: h84497
0010: g119426
0019: e154284
0022: f175355
== Info: upload completely sent off: 43 out of 43 bytes
0000: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
0000: Date: Thu, 05 Nov 2020 04:12:58 GMT
0000: Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
0000: Content-Length: 148
0000: {"data":{"clusterId":1889,"successNum":5,"tagValueNullNum":0,"un
0040: matchedNum":0,"uploadNum":5,"userNum":5},"return_code":0,"return
0080: _message":"success"}
== Info: Connection #0 to host ta2 left intact