# 이벤트 분석 모델 API
호출 메서드에 대해서는 오픈 API의 호출 메서드 설명을 참조하시기 바랍니다.
사용 시나리오를 이해하려면 사용자 가이드에서 이벤트 분석을 참조할 수 있습니다.
# 1. 이벤트 분석 쿼리
인터페이스 URL
요청 방법
콘텐츠 유형
요청 쿼리 파라미터
Parameter name | Sample value | Parameter type | Is required | Parameter description |
token | xxx | String | Yes | token |
요청 본문 파라미터
"eventView": {
"comparedByTime": true,
"comparedStartTime": "2021-12-14 00:00:00",
"comparedEndTime": "2021-12-20 23:59:59",
"comparedRecentDay": "8-14",
"startTime": "2021-12-21 00:00:00",
"endTime": "2021-12-27 23:59:59",
"recentDay": "1-7",
"relation": "and",
"timeParticleSize": "day",
"eventSplit": {
"event": {
"eventDesc": "login",
"eventName": "login"
"groupByProp": {
"columnDesc": "browser",
"columnName": "browser",
"propertyRange": "",
"tableType": "event"
"groupBy": [{
"columnDesc": "brand",
"columnName": "brand",
"propertyRange": "",
"specifiedClusterDate": "2021-12-28",
"tableType": "event"
"filts": [{
"columnDesc": "brand",
"columnName": "brand",
"comparator": "equal",
"filterType": "SIMPLE",
"ftv": ["apple", "xiaomi"],
"specifiedClusterDate": "2021-12-28",
"tableType": "event",
"timeUnit": ""
"queryFeature": {
"approximateOn": true,
"globalQueryOn": false
"events": [{
"analysis": "TOTAL_TIMES",
"analysisParams": "",
"eventName": "login",
"eventNameDisplay": "total times of loggin",
"eventSplitIndexes": [0],
"eventUuid": "7FonAy-G",
"filts": [],
"quota": "",
"relation": "and",
"type": "normal"
}, {
"analysis": "TRIG_USER_NUM",
"analysisParams": "",
"eventName": "activity_attend",
"eventNameDisplay": "Number of Trigger Users Attending Activities",
"eventUuid": "K9A5NDAz",
"filts": [{
"columnDesc": "app version",
"columnName": "app_version",
"comparator": "notNull",
"filterType": "SIMPLE",
"ftv": [],
"specifiedClusterDate": "2021-12-28",
"tableType": "event",
"timeUnit": ""
"quota": "",
"quotaEntities": [{
"index": 0,
"taIdMeasure": {
"columnDesc": "only user ID",
"columnName": "#user_id",
"tableType": "event"
"relation": "and",
"type": "normal"
}, {
"customEvent": "logout.PER_CAPITA_TIMES",
"customFilters": [],
"eventName": "custom indicator",
"eventNameDisplay": "",
"eventSplitIndexes": [],
"eventUuid": "gxqT19xz",
"filts": [],
"format": "float",
"quota": "",
"quotaEntities": [{
"index": 0,
"taIdMeasure": {
"columnDesc": "email",
"columnName": "email",
"tableType": "user"
"quotaTimeRanges": [{
"index": 0,
"params": ["1"],
"type": "THIS_WEEK"
"relation": "and",
"type": "customized"
"projectId": 377,
"useSameResultKey": false,
"useCache": true,
"limit": 1000,
"timeoutSeconds": 10
::: 팁
제공된 파라미터는 여러 범주로 나눌 수 있습니다: 기본 파라미터(필수); 시간 비교 파라미터, 이벤트 분할 파라미터; 그룹화 파라미터, 글로벌 필터링 파라미터, 쿼리 구성 파라미터(선택적); 공통 분석 지표 또는 사용자 정의 분석 지표를 선택해야 합니다.
요청 파라미터 설명
$$Parameter name | Sample value | Parameter type | Is required | Parameter description |
eventView | - | Object | Yes | Metrics common attribute part. |
eventView.comparedByTime | true | Boolean | No | Whether to compare the time, TRUE: Yes, FALSE: No |
eventView.comparedStartTime | 2021-12-14 00:00:00 | String | No | Contrast time start time (format: yyyy-MM-dd HH: mm: ss), the comparison time is valid when the relative time is empty |
eventView.comparedEndTime | 2021-12-20 23:59:59 | String | No | Compare time end time (format: yyyy-MM-dd HH: mm: ss), valid when the comparison time is empty relative to time |
eventView.comparedRecentDay | 8-14 | String | No | Comparison time relative time (when comparedByTime is TRUE, this item cannot be empty both with the start time and end time of the comparison time) |
eventView.startTime | 2021-12-21 00:00:00 | String | No | Start time (format: yyyy-MM-dd HH: mm: ss), valid when the relative time is empty |
eventView.endTime | 2021-12-27 23:59:59 | String | No | End time (format: yyyy-MM-dd HH: mm: ss), valid when the relative time is empty |
eventView.recentDay | 1-7 | String | No | Relative time (this item cannot be empty both with the start time and the end time) |
eventView.relation | and | String | No | Logical relationship, and: logical and, or: logical or |
eventView.timeParticleSize | day | String | Yes | Unit of the time period taken for analysis
eventView.eventSplit | - | Object | No | Event splitting information |
eventView.eventSplit.event | - | Object | Yes | Event splitting event information |
eventView.eventSplit.event.eventDesc | Login | String | No | Display name of event splitting metric |
eventView.eventSplit.event.eventName | login | String | Yes | Event name of event splitting metric |
eventView.eventSplit.groupByProp | - | Object | Yes | Event splitting metric grouping information |
eventView.eventSplit.groupByProp.columnDesc | Browser | String | No | Display name of event splitting grouping field |
eventView.eventSplit.groupByProp.columnName | browser | String | Yes | Filed name of event splitting grouping field |
eventView.eventSplit.groupByProp.propertyRange | String | No | Event splitting grouping property interval by numeric | |
eventView.eventSplit.groupByProp.tableType | event | String | Yes | |
eventView.groupBy | - | List | No | Grouping property part, zero or more |
eventView.groupBy.columnName | brand | String | Yes | Field name |
eventView.groupBy.columnDesc | Brand | String | No | Field display name |
eventView.groupBy.propertyRange | String | No | Self-defined property interval | |
eventView.groupBy.propertyRangeType | String | No | Property interval type, which can be used as self-defined bucketing conditions when grouping numeric properties
| |
eventView.groupBy.specifiedClusterDate | 2021-12-28 | String | No | Historical tag version of specified date |
eventView.groupBy.tableType | event | String | Yes | |
eventView.filts | - | List | No | Global filters parts |
eventView.filts.columnDesc | Brand | String | No | Field display name |
eventView.filts.columnName | brand | String | Yes | Field name |
eventView.filts.comparator | equal | String | Yes | Reference: filtering expression of model query API |
eventView.filts.filterType | SIMPLE | String | No | Filtering mode, SIMPLE: simple, COMPOUND: compound, default as SIMPLE |
eventView.filts.ftv | ["Apple", "Xiaomi"] | List | No | Property comparative with bound literial |
eventView.filts.specifiedClusterDate | 2021-12-28 | String | No | Historical tag version of specified date |
eventView.filts.tableType | event | String | Yes | |
eventView.filts.timeUnit | String | No | Property filter unit, only valid to relativeEvent*:day,hour,minute | |
eventView.queryFeature | - | Object | No | Query configuration |
eventView.queryFeature.approximateOn | true | Boolean | No | Enable approximate calculation or not |
events | - | List | Yes | Event metric list |
events.analysis | TRIG_USER_NUM | String | No | As for detailed information about the analysis perspective and aggregation operation, please refer to Aggregate type enumeration |
events.analysisParams | String | No | Analysis perspective parameter (could not be empty when the analysis is PERCENTILE, value range: 1-100,representing the percentile) | |
events.eventName | activity_attend | String | Yes | Event name, special, anyEvent can be used to represent any event |
events.eventNameDisplay | Number of trigger users participating in the event | String | No | Event display name |
events.metricName | retention_rate_1 | String | No | Metric-based query, representing fixed analysis caliber. During metric-based queries, events.eventName can be set as the self-defined metric |
events.eventUuid | K9A5NDAz | String | No | Event UUID, used as the unique identifier of the event |
events.filts | - | List | No | Condition list |
events.filts.columnDesc | App version | String | No | Field display name |
events.filts.columnName | app_version | String | Yes | Field name |
events.filts.comparator | notNull | String | Yes | Reference: filtering expression of model query API |
events.filts.filterType | SIMPLE | String | No | Filtering mode, SIMPLE:simple, COMPOUND:compound, default as SIMPLE |
events.filts.ftv | [] | List | No | Property comparative with bound literial |
events.filts.specifiedClusterDate | 2021-12-28 | String | No | Historical tag version of specified date |
events.filts.tableType | event | String | Yes | |
events.filts.timeUnit | String | No | Unit of the time taken for filtering | |
events.quota | String | No | Metric property (combined with analysis, indicating the property involved and the analysis perspective) | |
events.quotaDesc | String | No | Display name of metric property | |
events.quotaEntities | - | List | Entity list corresponding to analysis event metric | |
events.quotaEntities.index | 0 | Integer | Yes | Entity index corresponding to analysis event metric |
events.quotaEntities.taIdMeasure | - | Object | Query ID system configuration | |
events.quotaEntities.taIdMeasure.columnDesc | User unique ID | String | No | Field display name |
events.quotaEntities.taIdMeasure.columnName | #user_id | String | Yes | Field name |
events.quotaEntities.taIdMeasure.tableType | event | String | Yes | |
events.relation | and | String | No | logical relation,and:logic and,or:logic or |
events.type | normal | String | Yes | normal:normal analysis customized:self-defined formula |
events.customEvent | logout.PER_CAPITA_TIMES | String | No | Formula expression, involving the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of analysis items or numeric constant. There are two forms of analysis items: eventName.columnName.analysis or eventName.analysis。 The method of fixed prefix_metric name should be adopted when the formula contains analysis metric, for example: $metric.metricName/eventName.columnName.analysis or $metric.metricName1/$metric.metricName2 |
events.customFilters | [] | List | No | List of formula expression filters |
events.eventName | Custom indicators | String | Yes | The eventName the metric based on |
events.eventNameDisplay | String | No | Self-defined metric display name | |
events.eventSplitIndexes | [] | List | No | Items participating in event splitting |
events.format | float | String | No | Display the options of data float:two decimal places, float3: three decimal places, float4: four decimal places, percent: percentage |
events.quota | String | No | Metric property (combined with analysis, indicating the property involved and the analysis perspective) | |
events.quotaDesc | String | No | Display name of metric property | |
events.quotaEntities | - | List | No | List of entities corresponding to analysis event metric |
events.quotaEntities.index | 0 | Integer | Yes | Entity index corresponding to analysis event metric |
events.quotaEntities.taIdMeasure | - | Object | Yes | Query ID system configuration |
events.quotaEntities.taIdMeasure.columnDesc | Mailbox | String | No | Field display name |
events.quotaEntities.taIdMeasure.columnName | String | Yes | Field name | |
events.quotaEntities.taIdMeasure.tableType | user | String | Yes | |
events.quotaTimeRanges | [] | List | No | List of metric time range |
events.quotaTimeRanges.index | 0 | Integer | Yes | Index of time range |
events.quotaTimeRanges.params | ["1"] | List | No | Time range parameters, when events.quotaTimeRanges.type is TIME_RANGE, the params is ["-3", "4"], referring to the next three or four days |
events.quotaTimeRanges.type | THIS_WEEK | String | Yes | Type of time range LAST_DAYS: last days, RECENT_DAYS: recent days, THIS_WEEK:this week, THIS_MONTH:this month, TIME_RANGE: time range |
events.relation | and | String | No | Logical relation,and:logic and,or:logic or |
events.type | customized | String | Yes | normal:normal analysis customized:self-defined formula |
projectId | 377 | Integer | Yes | Project numeric identity |
useSameResultKey | false | Boolean | No | Whether the same event name should be used when the event names are the same true: use the same event name false:add prefix number when the event names are the same |
useCache | true | Boolean | No | Use cache, optional parameter, default value: true |
limit | 1000 | Integer | No | Upper limit of the group number of each analysis object, optional parameter, default value: 1000, maximum value: 10000 |
timeoutSeconds | 10 | Integer | No | Request timeout parameter. Query task should be cancelled after the request times out. |
성공적인 요청 예시
"data": {
"result_generate_time": "2021-12-30 11:15:41",
"union_groups": [
"WeChat built-in browser",
"x": [
"x_compared": [
"y": [
"login.TOTAL_TIMES": [
"group_cols": [
"group_num": 3,
"values": [
"values_compared": [
"group_cols": [
"group_num": 3,
"values": [
"values_compared": [
"group_cols": [
"WeChat built-in browser",
"group_num": 3,
"values": [
"values_compared": [
"activity_attend.TRIG_USER_NUM": [
"group_cols": [
"group_num": 2,
"values": [
"values_compared": [
"group_cols": [
"group_num": 2,
"values": [
"values_compared": [
"Custom Indicators": [
"group_cols": [
"group_num": 2,
"values": [
"values_compared": [
"group_cols": [
"group_num": 2,
"values": [
"values_compared": [
"return_code": 0,
"return_message": "success"
요청 파라미터 설명
$$Parameter name | Sample value | Parameter type | Parameter description |
data | - | Object | Return results |
data.result_generate_time | 2021/12/29 12:00 | String | Query result generation time |
data.union_groups | ["Apple"] | List | All Grouping Set |
data.x | ["2021-12-23"] | List | X-axile time |
data.x_compared | ["2021-12-16"] | List | X-axile comparison time |
data.y | - | List | Y-axile data list |
data.y.{metric name} | - | List | Y-axile metric information list |
data.y.{metric name}.group_cols | ["Apple"] | List | Y-axile metric group |
data.y.{metric name}.group_num | 3 | Integer | Y-axile metric group number |
data.y.{metric name}.values | ["0"] | List | Y-axile metric value |
data.y.{metric name}.values_compared | ["447"] | List | Y-axile time comparison metric value |
return_code | 0 | Integer | Return code |
return_message | success | String | Return message |
오류 요청 예시
"return_code": -1008,
"return_message": "parameter (token) is empty"
Parameter name | Sample value | Parameter type | Parameter description |
return_code | -1008 | Integer | Return code |
return_message | The parameter (token) is empty | String | Return information |
Curl Example
curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d '{"projectId": 377,"useSameResultKey": false,"useCache": true,"limit": 1000,"eventView": {"comparedByTime": true,"comparedStartTime": "2021-12-14 00:00:00","comparedEndTime": "2021-12-20 23:59:59","comparedRecentDay": "8-14","startTime": "2021-12-21 00:00:00","endTime": "2021-12-27 23:59:59","recentDay": "1-7","relation": "and","timeParticleSize": "day","eventSplit": {"event": {"eventDesc": "login","eventName": "login"},"groupByProp": {"columnDesc": "browser","columnName": "browser","propertyRange": "","tableType": "event"}},"groupBy": [{"columnDesc": "brand","columnName": "brand","propertyRange": "","specifiedClusterDate": "2021-12-28","tableType": "event"}],"filts": [{"columnDesc": "brand","columnName": "brand","comparator": "equal","filterType": "SIMPLE","ftv": ["Apple", "Xiaomi"],"specifiedClusterDate": "2021-12-28","tableType": "event","timeUnit": ""}],"queryFeature": {"approximateOn": true,"globalQueryOn": false}},"events": [{"analysis": "TOTAL_TIMES","analysisParams": "","eventName": "login","eventNameDisplay": "total login times","eventSplitIndexes": [0],"eventUuid": "7FonAy-G","filts": [],"quota": "","relation": "and","type": "normal"}, {"analysis": "TRIG_USER_NUM","analysisParams": "","eventName": "activity_attend","eventNameDisplay": "number of triggering users participating in activities","eventUuid": "K9A5NDAz","filts": [{"columnDesc": "app version","columnName": "app_version","comparator": "notNull","filterType": "SIMPLE","ftv": [],"specifiedClusterDate": "2021-12-28","tableType": "event","timeUnit": ""}],"quota": "","quotaEntities": [{"index": 0,"taIdMeasure": {"columnDesc": "unique ID of the user","columnName": "#user_id","tableType": "event"}}],"relation": "and","type": "normal"}, {"customEvent": "logout.PER_CAPITA_TIMES","customFilters": [],"eventName": "self-defined metric","eventNameDisplay": "","eventSplitIndexes": [],"eventUuid": "gxqT19xz","filts": [],"format": "float","quota": "","quotaEntities": [{"index": 0,"taIdMeasure": {"columnDesc": "e-mail","columnName": "email","tableType": "user"}}],"quotaTimeRanges": [{"index": 0,"params": ["1"],"type": "THIS_WEEK"}],"relation": "and","type": "customized"}]}' 'http://ta2:8992/open/event-analyze?token=bTOzKiTIozG4e19FgXphcA8dDV3DIY8RwdHTO7aSnBsRqSNaIk19BnBMecJDWibD'
# 2. 이벤트 분석 전체 데이터 다운로드
인터페이스 URL
요청 방법
콘텐츠 유형
요청 쿼리 파라미터
Parameter name | Sample value | Parameter type | Mandatory or not | Parameter description |
token | xxx | String | Yes | Query key |
요청 본문 파라미터
"eventView": {
"endTime": "2022-03-07 16:32:12",
"filts": [{
"columnDesc": "class",
"columnName": "level",
"comparator": "greater",
"filterType": "SIMPLE",
"ftv": ["1"],
"specifiedClusterDate": "2022-03-08",
"tableType": "event",
"timeUnit": ""
"groupBy": [{
"columnDesc": "channel",
"columnName": "channel",
"propertyRange": "",
"specifiedClusterDate": "2022-03-08",
"tableType": "event"
"recentDay": "1-7",
"relation": "and",
"startTime": "2022-03-01 16:32:12",
"timeParticleSize": "day"
"events": [{
"analysis": "TOTAL_TIMES",
"analysisParams": "",
"eventName": "LogOut",
"eventNameDisplay": "total LogOut times",
"eventUuid": "QgfCSkCw",
"filts": [],
"quota": "",
"relation": "and",
"type": "normal"
"projectId": 319
요청 파라미터 설명
$$ Parameter name | Sample value | Parameter type | Mandatory or not | Parameter description |
projectId | 0 | String | Yes | Project numeric identity |
eventView | - | Object | Yes | Same parameters as Event Analysis Query interface |
events | List | Yes | Same parameters as Event Analysis Query interface |
::: 팁
요청 파라미터는 TE 시스템의 이벤트 분석 화면에서 내보낼 수 있습니다.
TE 시스템의 이벤트 분석 전체 데이터 다운로드와 동일
# 이벤트 분석 유저 목록
인터페이스 URL
요청 방법
콘텐츠 유형
요청 쿼리 파라미터
Parameter name | Sample value | Parameter type | Is required | Parameter description |
token | xxx | String | Yes | token |
요청 본문 파라미터
"projectId": 0,
"eventView": {
"startTime": "2019-11-24 00:00:00",
"endTime": "2019-11-26 00:00:00",
"recentDay": "1-3",
"timeParticleSize": "day",
"groupBy": [
"columnName": "#city",
"tableType": "event"
"events": [
"analysis": "TRIG_USER_NUM",
"eventName": "consume_item",
"quota": "#vp@dailyTask",
"relation": "and",
"type": "normal",
"filts": [
"columnName": "user_level",
"comparator": "equal",
"ftv": [
"tableType": "user"
"sliceDate": "2019-11-26",
"eventIndex": 0,
"sliceGroupVal": [
"timeoutSeconds": 10
요청 파라미터 설명
$$Parameter name | Sample value | Parameter type | Is required | Parameter description |
projectId | 0 | String | Yes | Project numeric identity |
eventView | - | Object | Yes | Same parameters as Event Analysis Query interface |
events | List | Yes | Same parameters as Event Analysis Query interface | |
sliceDate | "2019-11-26" | String | No | Go into detail by which date |
sliceGroupVal | ["Beijing"] | List | Yes | Go into detail by which group |
eventIndex | 0 | int | Yes | Go into detail by which number of metrics, starting from 0 |
timeoutSeconds | 10 | Integer | No | Request timed out parameter, timeout cancels query task |
성공적인 응답 예시
"data": {
"datalist": [
"#account_id": "e78107482",
"#distinct_id": "e145056682",
"user_level": 5,
"register_time": "2019-11-26 14:36:13",
"diamond_num": 1006,
"latest_login_time": "2019-11-26 15:45:16",
"channel": "app store",
"#user_id": 33474682
"#account_id": "d7819213",
"#distinct_id": "d14521393",
"user_level": 5,
"register_time": "2019-11-26 23:25:14",
"diamond_num": 858,
"first_recharge_time": "2019-11-26 23:29:56",
"latest_login_time": "2019-11-26 23:32:48",
"channel": "app store",
"#user_id": 3351093
"columMeta": {
"#account_id": "account ID",
"#distinct_id": "visitor ID",
"user_level": "user level",
"register_time": "register time",
"diamond_num": "diamond number",
"first_recharge_time": "first recharge time",
"latest_login_time": "lastest login time",
"channel": "channel"
"return_code": 0,
"return_message": "success"
응답 파라미터 설명
$$Parameter name | Sample value | Parameter type | Parameter description |
return_code | 0 | Integer | Return code |
return_message | success | String | Return information |
data | - | Object | Return result |
data.datalist | - | List | User Information |
data.columMeta | - | Map | Field meaning mapping |
오류 응답 예시
"return_code": -1008,
"return_message": "The parameter (token) is empty"
Parameter name | Sample value | Parameter type | Parameter description |
return_code | -1008 | Integer | Return code |
return_message | The parameter (token) is empty | String | Return information |
# 4. 이벤트 분석 유저 목록 다운로드
인터페이스 URL
요청 방법
콘텐츠 유형
요청 쿼리 파라미터
Parameter name | Sample value | Parameter type | Mandatory or not | Parameter description |
token | xxx | String | Yes | Query key |
요청 본문 파라미터
"eventView": {
"comparedByTime": false,
"comparedRecentDay": "",
"endTime": "2022-03-07 16:32:12",
"filts": [{
"columnDesc": "class",
"columnName": "level",
"comparator": "greater",
"filterType": "SIMPLE",
"ftv": ["1"],
"specifiedClusterDate": "2022-03-08",
"tableType": "event",
"timeUnit": ""
"groupBy": [{
"columnDesc": "channel",
"columnName": "channel",
"propertyRange": "",
"specifiedClusterDate": "2022-03-08",
"tableType": "event"
"recentDay": "1-7",
"relation": "and",
"startTime": "2022-03-01 16:32:12",
"timeParticleSize": "day"
"events": [{
"analysis": "TRIG_USER_NUM",
"analysisParams": "",
"eventName": "LogOut",
"eventNameDisplay": "number of AlertA triggered of LogOut",
"eventUuid": "QgfCSkCw",
"filts": [],
"quota": "",
"quotaEntities": [{
"index": 0,
"taIdMeasure": {
"columnDesc": "Unique ID of the user",
"columnName": "#user_id",
"tableType": "event"
"relation": "and",
"type": "normal"
"projectId": 319,
"sliceDate": "2022-03-01",
"eventIndex": 0,
"sliceGroupVal": ["AppStore"],
"selectedColumns": ["#account_id", "#distinct_id", "accountid"]
요청 파라미터 설명
$$ Parameter name | Sample value | Parameter type | Mandatory or not | Parameter description |
projectId | 0 | String | Yes | Project numeric identity |
eventView | - | Object | Yes | Same parameters as Event Analysis Query interface |
events | List | Yes | Same parameters as Event Analysis Query interface | |
sliceDate | "2019-11-26" | String | No | Go into detail by which date |
sliceGroupVal | ["Beijing City"] | List | Yes | Go into detail by which group |
eventIndex | 0 | int | Yes | Go into detail by which number of metrics, starting from 0 |
selectedColumns | ["#account_id"] | List | Yes | The columns to be downloaded |
::: 팁
요청 파라미터의 주요 구조는 TE 시스템의 이벤트 분석 화면에서 내보낼 수 있으며, sliceDate, eventIndex, eventDate, sliceGroupVal, selectedColumns와 같은 파라미터가 추가될 수 있습니다. 자세한 파라미터 값은 화면 인터페이스에서 확인할 수 있습니다.
TE 시스템의 이벤트 분석 유저 목록 다운로드와 동일
# 이벤트 분석을 위한 일반 목록
# 이벤트 분석을 위한 집계 유형 목록
Value | Description | Whether properties are required |
TOTAL_TIMES | Total number | No |
TRIG_USER_NUM | Number of users triggered | No |
PER_CAPITA_TIMES | Number of times per capita | No |
SUM | Sum of values | Yes |
AVG | Numerical average | Yes |
FOR _ CAPITA _ NUM | Per capita | Yes |
MAX | Maximum value | Yes |
MIN | Numerical minimum | Yes |
DISTINCT | Deduplicate number | Yes |
TRUE | True number | Yes |
FALSE | False number | Yes |
IS_NOT_EMPTY | Not an empty number | Yes |
IS_EMPTY | Null number | Yes |
ARRAY_DISTINCT | List overall deduplicate number | Yes |
ARRAY_SET_DISTINCT | Element collection deduplicate number | Yes |
ARRAY_ITEM_DISTINCT | List element deduplicate number | Yes |
MEDIAN | Median | Yes |
PERCENTILE | Percepentiles | Yes |