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# イベント分析モデルAPI

# Event Analysis Model API

As for the call method, please refer to the call method description in Open API

You can read the event analysis in the user manual to understand the usage scenario.

# Event Analysis Query

Interface URL


Request method




Request Query parameter

Parameter name Sample value Parameter type Is required Parameter description
token xxx String Yes token

# Request Body Parameter

    "eventView": {
        "comparedByTime": true,
        "comparedStartTime": "2021-12-14 00:00:00",
        "comparedEndTime": "2021-12-20 23:59:59",
        "comparedRecentDay": "8-14",
        "startTime": "2021-12-21 00:00:00",
        "endTime": "2021-12-27 23:59:59",
        "recentDay": "1-7",
        "relation": "and",
        "timeParticleSize": "day",
        "eventSplit": {
            "event": {
                "eventDesc": "login",
                "eventName": "login"
            "groupByProp": {
                "columnDesc": "browser",
                "columnName": "browser",
                "propertyRange": "",
                "tableType": "event"
        "groupBy": [{
            "columnDesc": "brand",
            "columnName": "brand",
            "propertyRange": "",
            "specifiedClusterDate": "2021-12-28",
            "tableType": "event"
        "filts": [{
            "columnDesc": "brand",
            "columnName": "brand",
            "comparator": "equal",
            "filterType": "SIMPLE",
            "ftv": ["apple", "xiaomi"],
            "specifiedClusterDate": "2021-12-28",
            "tableType": "event",
            "timeUnit": ""
        "queryFeature": {
            "approximateOn": true,
            "globalQueryOn": false
    "events": [{
        "analysis": "TOTAL_TIMES",
        "analysisParams": "",
        "eventName": "login",
        "eventNameDisplay": "total times of loggin",
        "eventSplitIndexes": [0],
        "eventUuid": "7FonAy-G",
        "filts": [],
        "quota": "",
        "relation": "and",
        "type": "normal"
    }, {
        "analysis": "TRIG_USER_NUM",
        "analysisParams": "",
        "eventName": "activity_attend",
        "eventNameDisplay": "Number of Trigger Users Attending Activities",
        "eventUuid": "K9A5NDAz",
        "filts": [{
            "columnDesc": "app version",
            "columnName": "app_version",
            "comparator": "notNull",
            "filterType": "SIMPLE",
            "ftv": [],
            "specifiedClusterDate": "2021-12-28",
            "tableType": "event",
            "timeUnit": ""
        "quota": "",
        "quotaEntities": [{
            "index": 0,
            "taIdMeasure": {
                "columnDesc": "only user ID",
                "columnName": "#user_id",
                "tableType": "event"
        "relation": "and",
        "type": "normal"
    }, {
        "customEvent": "logout.PER_CAPITA_TIMES",
        "customFilters": [],
        "eventName": "custom indicator",
        "eventNameDisplay": "",
        "eventSplitIndexes": [],
        "eventUuid": "gxqT19xz",
        "filts": [],
        "format": "float",
        "quota": "",
        "quotaEntities": [{
            "index": 0,
            "taIdMeasure": {
                "columnDesc": "email",
                "columnName": "email",
                "tableType": "user"
        "quotaTimeRanges": [{
            "index": 0,
            "params": ["1"],
            "type": "THIS_WEEK"
        "relation": "and",
        "type": "customized"
    "projectId": 377,
    "useSameResultKey": false,
    "useCache": true,
    "limit": 1000,
    "timeoutSeconds": 10


Parameters provided can be divided into multiple categories: basic parameters (mandatory); time comparison parameters, event splitting parameters; grouping parameters, global filtering parameters, query configuration parameters (optional); Common analysis metric or self-defined analysis metric should be chosen.

# Request Parameter Description

$$Parameter name Sample value Parameter type Is required Parameter description
eventView - Object Yes Metrics common attribute part.
eventView.comparedByTime true Boolean No Whether to compare the time, TRUE: Yes, FALSE: No
eventView.comparedStartTime 2021-12-14 00:00:00 String No Contrast time start time (format: yyyy-MM-dd HH: mm: ss), the comparison time is valid when the relative time is empty
eventView.comparedEndTime 2021-12-20 23:59:59 String No Compare time end time (format: yyyy-MM-dd HH: mm: ss), valid when the comparison time is empty relative to time
eventView.comparedRecentDay 8-14 String No Comparison time relative time (when comparedByTime is TRUE, this item cannot be empty both with the start time and end time of the comparison time)
eventView.startTime 2021-12-21 00:00:00 String No Start time (format: yyyy-MM-dd HH: mm: ss), valid when the relative time is empty
eventView.endTime 2021-12-27 23:59:59 String No End time (format: yyyy-MM-dd HH: mm: ss), valid when the relative time is empty
eventView.recentDay 1-7 String No Relative time (this item cannot be empty both with the start time and the end time)
eventView.relation and String No Logical relationship, and: logical and, or: logical or
eventView.timeParticleSize day String Yes Unit of the time period taken for analysis
  • minute:based on one minute

  • minute5: based on five minutes(supported since v3.5)

  • minute10: based on ten minutes (supported since v3.5)

  • hour: based on hours

  • day: based on days

  • week: based on weeks

  • month: based on months

  • total: total

eventView.eventSplit - Object No Event splitting information
eventView.eventSplit.event - Object Yes Event splitting event information
eventView.eventSplit.event.eventDesc Login String No Display name of event splitting metric
eventView.eventSplit.event.eventName login String Yes Event name of event splitting metric
eventView.eventSplit.groupByProp - Object Yes Event splitting metric grouping information
eventView.eventSplit.groupByProp.columnDesc Browser String No Display name of event splitting grouping field
eventView.eventSplit.groupByProp.columnName browser String Yes Filed name of event splitting grouping field
eventView.eventSplit.groupByProp.propertyRange String No Event splitting grouping property interval by numeric
eventView.eventSplit.groupByProp.tableType event String Yes Table type enumeration
eventView.groupBy - List No Grouping property part, zero or more
eventView.groupBy.columnName brand String Yes Field name
eventView.groupBy.columnDesc Brand String No Field display name
eventView.groupBy.propertyRange String No Self-defined property interval
eventView.groupBy.propertyRangeType String No Property interval type, which can be used as self-defined bucketing conditions when grouping numeric properties
  • def: default interval, divided by the system automatically

  • discrete: each value is an independent group

  • user_defined: defined by the user; the self-defined content is set in propertyRange

eventView.groupBy.specifiedClusterDate 2021-12-28 String No Historical tag version of specified date
eventView.groupBy.tableType event String Yes Table type enumeration
eventView.filts - List No Global filters parts
eventView.filts.columnDesc Brand String No Field display name
eventView.filts.columnName brand String Yes Field name
eventView.filts.comparator equal String Yes Reference: filtering expression of model query API
eventView.filts.filterType SIMPLE String No Filtering mode, SIMPLE: simple, COMPOUND: compound, default as SIMPLE
eventView.filts.ftv ["Apple", "Xiaomi"] List No Property comparative with bound literial
eventView.filts.specifiedClusterDate 2021-12-28 String No Historical tag version of specified date
eventView.filts.tableType event String Yes Table type enumeration
eventView.filts.timeUnit String No Property filter unit, only valid to relativeEvent*:day,hour,minute
eventView.queryFeature - Object No Query configuration
eventView.queryFeature.approximateOn true Boolean No Enable approximate calculation or not
events - List Yes Event metric list
events.analysis TRIG_USER_NUM String No As for detailed information about the analysis perspective and aggregation operation, please refer to Aggregate type enumeration
events.analysisParams String No Analysis perspective parameter (could not be empty when the analysis is PERCENTILE, value range: 1-100,representing the percentile)
events.eventName activity_attend String Yes Event name, special, anyEvent can be used to represent any event
events.eventNameDisplay Number of trigger users participating in the event String No Event display name
events.metricName retention_rate_1 String No Metric-based query, representing fixed analysis caliber. During metric-based queries, events.eventName can be set as the self-defined metric
events.eventUuid K9A5NDAz String No Event UUID, used as the unique identifier of the event
events.filts - List No Condition list
events.filts.columnDesc App version String No Field display name
events.filts.columnName app_version String Yes Field name
events.filts.comparator notNull String Yes Reference: filtering expression of model query API
events.filts.filterType SIMPLE String No Filtering mode, SIMPLE:simple, COMPOUND:compound, default as SIMPLE
events.filts.ftv [] List No Property comparative with bound literial
events.filts.specifiedClusterDate 2021-12-28 String No Historical tag version of specified date
events.filts.tableType event String Yes Table type enumeration
events.filts.timeUnit String No Unit of the time taken for filtering
events.quota String No Metric property (combined with analysis, indicating the property involved and the analysis perspective)
events.quotaDesc String No Display name of metric property
events.quotaEntities - List Entity list corresponding to analysis event metric
events.quotaEntities.index 0 Integer Yes Entity index corresponding to analysis event metric
events.quotaEntities.taIdMeasure - Object Query ID system configuration
events.quotaEntities.taIdMeasure.columnDesc User unique ID String No Field display name
events.quotaEntities.taIdMeasure.columnName #user_id String Yes Field name
events.quotaEntities.taIdMeasure.tableType event String Yes Table type enumeration
events.relation and String No logical relation,and:logic and,or:logic or
events.type normal String Yes normal:normal analysis customized:self-defined formula
events.customEvent logout.PER_CAPITA_TIMES String No Formula expression, involving the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of analysis items or numeric constant. There are two forms of analysis items: eventName.columnName.analysis or eventName.analysis。 The method of fixed prefix_metric name should be adopted when the formula contains analysis metric, for example: $metric.metricName/eventName.columnName.analysis or $metric.metricName1/$metric.metricName2
events.customFilters [] List No List of formula expression filters
events.eventName Custom indicators String Yes The eventName the metric based on
events.eventNameDisplay String No

Self-defined metric display name

events.eventSplitIndexes [] List No Items participating in event splitting
events.format float String No Display the options of data float:two decimal places, float3: three decimal places, float4: four decimal places, percent: percentage
events.quota String No Metric property (combined with analysis, indicating the property involved and the analysis perspective)
events.quotaDesc String No Display name of metric property
events.quotaEntities - List No List of entities corresponding to analysis event metric
events.quotaEntities.index 0 Integer Yes Entity index corresponding to analysis event metric
events.quotaEntities.taIdMeasure - Object Yes Query ID system configuration
events.quotaEntities.taIdMeasure.columnDesc Mailbox String No Field display name
events.quotaEntities.taIdMeasure.columnName email String Yes Field name
events.quotaEntities.taIdMeasure.tableType user String Yes Table type enumeration
events.quotaTimeRanges [] List No List of metric time range
events.quotaTimeRanges.index 0 Integer Yes Index of time range
events.quotaTimeRanges.params ["1"] List No Time range parameters, when events.quotaTimeRanges.type is TIME_RANGE, the params is ["-3", "4"], referring to the next three or four days
events.quotaTimeRanges.type THIS_WEEK String Yes Type of time range LAST_DAYS: last days, RECENT_DAYS: recent days, THIS_WEEK:this week, THIS_MONTH:this month, TIME_RANGE: time range
events.relation and String No Logical relation,and:logic and,or:logic or
events.type customized String Yes normal:normal analysis customized:self-defined formula
projectId 377 Integer Yes Project numeric identity
useSameResultKey false Boolean No Whether the same event name should be used when the event names are the same true: use the same event name false:add prefix number when the event names are the same
useCache true Boolean No Use cache, optional parameter, default value: true
limit 1000 Integer No Upper limit of the group number of each analysis object, optional parameter, default value: 1000, maximum value: 10000
timeoutSeconds 10 Integer No Request timeout parameter. Query task should be cancelled after the request times out.

# Successful Response Example

    "data": {
        "result_generate_time": "2021-12-30 11:15:41", 
        "union_groups": [
                "WeChat built-in browser", 
        "x": [
        "x_compared": [
        "y": [
                "login.TOTAL_TIMES": [
                        "group_cols": [
                        "group_num": 3, 
                        "values": [
                        "values_compared": [
                        "group_cols": [
                        "group_num": 3, 
                        "values": [
                        "values_compared": [
                        "group_cols": [
                            "WeChat built-in browser", 
                        "group_num": 3, 
                        "values": [
                        "values_compared": [
                "activity_attend.TRIG_USER_NUM": [
                        "group_cols": [
                        "group_num": 2, 
                        "values": [
                        "values_compared": [
                        "group_cols": [
                        "group_num": 2, 
                        "values": [
                        "values_compared": [
                "Custom Indicators": [
                        "group_cols": [
                        "group_num": 2, 
                        "values": [
                        "values_compared": [
                        "group_cols": [
                        "group_num": 2, 
                        "values": [
                        "values_compared": [
    "return_code": 0, 
    "return_message": "success"

# Response Parameter Description

$$Parameter name Sample value Parameter type Parameter description
data - Object Return results
data.result_generate_time 2021/12/29 12:00 String Query result generation time
data.union_groups ["Apple"] List All Grouping Set
data.x ["2021-12-23"] List X-axile time
data.x_compared ["2021-12-16"] List X-axile comparison time
data.y - List Y-axile data list
data.y.{metric name} - List Y-axile metric information list
data.y.{metric name}.group_cols ["Apple"] List Y-axile metric group
data.y.{metric name}.group_num 3 Integer Y-axile metric group number
data.y.{metric name}.values ["0"] List Y-axile metric value
data.y.{metric name}.values_compared ["447"] List Y-axile time comparison metric value
return_code 0 Integer Return code
return_message success String Return message

Error Response Example

    "return_code": -1008,
    "return_message": "parameter (token) is empty"
Parameter name Sample value Parameter type Parameter description
return_code -1008 Integer Return code
return_message The parameter (token) is empty String Return information

Curl Example

curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d '{"projectId": 377,"useSameResultKey": false,"useCache": true,"limit": 1000,"eventView": {"comparedByTime": true,"comparedStartTime": "2021-12-14 00:00:00","comparedEndTime": "2021-12-20 23:59:59","comparedRecentDay": "8-14","startTime": "2021-12-21 00:00:00","endTime": "2021-12-27 23:59:59","recentDay": "1-7","relation": "and","timeParticleSize": "day","eventSplit": {"event": {"eventDesc": "login","eventName": "login"},"groupByProp": {"columnDesc": "browser","columnName": "browser","propertyRange": "","tableType": "event"}},"groupBy": [{"columnDesc": "brand","columnName": "brand","propertyRange": "","specifiedClusterDate": "2021-12-28","tableType": "event"}],"filts": [{"columnDesc": "brand","columnName": "brand","comparator": "equal","filterType": "SIMPLE","ftv": ["Apple", "Xiaomi"],"specifiedClusterDate": "2021-12-28","tableType": "event","timeUnit": ""}],"queryFeature": {"approximateOn": true,"globalQueryOn": false}},"events": [{"analysis": "TOTAL_TIMES","analysisParams": "","eventName": "login","eventNameDisplay": "total login times","eventSplitIndexes": [0],"eventUuid": "7FonAy-G","filts": [],"quota": "","relation": "and","type": "normal"}, {"analysis": "TRIG_USER_NUM","analysisParams": "","eventName": "activity_attend","eventNameDisplay": "number of triggering users participating in activities","eventUuid": "K9A5NDAz","filts": [{"columnDesc": "app version","columnName": "app_version","comparator": "notNull","filterType": "SIMPLE","ftv": [],"specifiedClusterDate": "2021-12-28","tableType": "event","timeUnit": ""}],"quota": "","quotaEntities": [{"index": 0,"taIdMeasure": {"columnDesc": "unique ID of the user","columnName": "#user_id","tableType": "event"}}],"relation": "and","type": "normal"}, {"customEvent": "logout.PER_CAPITA_TIMES","customFilters": [],"eventName": "self-defined metric","eventNameDisplay": "","eventSplitIndexes": [],"eventUuid": "gxqT19xz","filts": [],"format": "float","quota": "","quotaEntities": [{"index": 0,"taIdMeasure": {"columnDesc": "e-mail","columnName": "email","tableType": "user"}}],"quotaTimeRanges": [{"index": 0,"params": ["1"],"type": "THIS_WEEK"}],"relation": "and","type": "customized"}]}' 'http://ta2:8992/open/event-analyze?token=bTOzKiTIozG4e19FgXphcA8dDV3DIY8RwdHTO7aSnBsRqSNaIk19BnBMecJDWibD'

# Event Analysis Full Data Download

Interface URL


Request method




Request Query Parameter

Parameter name Sample value Parameter type Mandatory or not Parameter description
token xxx String Yes Query key

# Request Body Parameter

        "eventView": {
                "endTime": "2022-03-07 16:32:12",
                "filts": [{
                        "columnDesc": "class",
                        "columnName": "level",
                        "comparator": "greater",
                        "filterType": "SIMPLE",
                        "ftv": ["1"],
                        "specifiedClusterDate": "2022-03-08",
                        "tableType": "event",
                        "timeUnit": ""
                "groupBy": [{
                        "columnDesc": "channel",
                        "columnName": "channel",
                        "propertyRange": "",
                        "specifiedClusterDate": "2022-03-08",
                        "tableType": "event"
                "recentDay": "1-7",
                "relation": "and",
                "startTime": "2022-03-01 16:32:12",
                "timeParticleSize": "day"
        "events": [{
                "analysis": "TOTAL_TIMES",
                "analysisParams": "",
                "eventName": "LogOut",
                "eventNameDisplay": "total LogOut times",
                "eventUuid": "QgfCSkCw",
                "filts": [],
                "quota": "",
                "relation": "and",
                "type": "normal"
        "projectId": 319

# Request Parameter Description

$$ Parameter name Sample value Parameter type Mandatory or not Parameter description
projectId 0 String Yes Project numeric identity
eventView - Object Yes Same parameters as Event Analysis Query interface
events List Yes Same parameters as Event Analysis Query interface


The request parameters could be exported from the event analysis screen of the TE system

# Response

Same with the full data download of the event analysis of the TE system

# Event Analysis User List

Interface URL


Request method




Request Query parameter

Parameter name Sample value Parameter type Is required Parameter description
token xxx String Yes token

# Request Body Parameter

  "projectId": 0,
  "eventView": {
    "startTime": "2019-11-24 00:00:00",
    "endTime": "2019-11-26 00:00:00",
    "recentDay": "1-3",
    "timeParticleSize": "day",
    "groupBy": [
        "columnName": "#city",
        "tableType": "event"
  "events": [
      "analysis": "TRIG_USER_NUM",
      "eventName": "consume_item",
      "quota": "#vp@dailyTask",
      "relation": "and",
      "type": "normal",
      "filts": [
          "columnName": "user_level",
          "comparator": "equal",
          "ftv": [
          "tableType": "user"
  "sliceDate": "2019-11-26",
  "eventIndex": 0,
  "sliceGroupVal": [
  "timeoutSeconds": 10

# Request Parameter Description

$$Parameter name Sample value Parameter type Is required Parameter description
projectId 0 String Yes Project numeric identity
eventView - Object Yes Same parameters as Event Analysis Query interface
events List Yes Same parameters as Event Analysis Query interface
sliceDate "2019-11-26" String No Go into detail by which date
sliceGroupVal ["Beijing"] List Yes Go into detail by which group
eventIndex 0 int Yes Go into detail by which number of metrics, starting from 0
timeoutSeconds 10 Integer No Request timed out parameter, timeout cancels query task

# Successful Response Example

  "data": {
    "datalist": [
        "#account_id": "e78107482",
        "#distinct_id": "e145056682",
        "user_level": 5,
        "register_time": "2019-11-26 14:36:13",
        "diamond_num": 1006,
        "latest_login_time": "2019-11-26 15:45:16",
        "channel": "app store",
        "#user_id": 33474682
        "#account_id": "d7819213",
        "#distinct_id": "d14521393",
        "user_level": 5,
        "register_time": "2019-11-26 23:25:14",
        "diamond_num": 858,
        "first_recharge_time": "2019-11-26 23:29:56",
        "latest_login_time": "2019-11-26 23:32:48",
        "channel": "app store",
        "#user_id": 3351093
    "columMeta": {
      "#account_id": "account ID",
      "#distinct_id": "visitor ID",
      "user_level": "user level",
      "register_time": "register time",
      "diamond_num": "diamond number",
      "first_recharge_time": "first recharge time",
      "latest_login_time": "lastest login time",
      "channel": "channel"
  "return_code": 0,
  "return_message": "success"

# Response parameter description

$$Parameter name Sample value Parameter type Parameter description
return_code 0 Integer Return code
return_message success String Return information
data - Object Return result
data.datalist - List User Information
data.columMeta - Map Field meaning mapping

Error Response Example

    "return_code": -1008,
    "return_message": "The parameter (token) is empty"
Parameter name Sample value Parameter type Parameter description
return_code -1008 Integer Return code
return_message The parameter (token) is empty String Return information

# Download of Event Analysis User List

Interface URL


Request method




Request Query parameters

Parameter name Sample value Parameter type Mandatory or not Parameter description
token xxx String Yes Query key

# Request Body Parameters

        "eventView": {
                "comparedByTime": false,
                "comparedRecentDay": "",
                "endTime": "2022-03-07 16:32:12",
                "filts": [{
                        "columnDesc": "class",
                        "columnName": "level",
                        "comparator": "greater",
                        "filterType": "SIMPLE",
                        "ftv": ["1"],
                        "specifiedClusterDate": "2022-03-08",
                        "tableType": "event",
                        "timeUnit": ""
                "groupBy": [{
                        "columnDesc": "channel",
                        "columnName": "channel",
                        "propertyRange": "",
                        "specifiedClusterDate": "2022-03-08",
                        "tableType": "event"
                "recentDay": "1-7",
                "relation": "and",
                "startTime": "2022-03-01 16:32:12",
                "timeParticleSize": "day"
        "events": [{
                "analysis": "TRIG_USER_NUM",
                "analysisParams": "",
                "eventName": "LogOut",
                "eventNameDisplay": "number of AlertA triggered of LogOut",
                "eventUuid": "QgfCSkCw",
                "filts": [],
                "quota": "",
                "quotaEntities": [{
                        "index": 0,
                        "taIdMeasure": {
                                "columnDesc": "Unique ID of the user",
                                "columnName": "#user_id",
                                "tableType": "event"
                "relation": "and",
                "type": "normal"
        "projectId": 319,
        "sliceDate": "2022-03-01",
        "eventIndex": 0,
        "sliceGroupVal": ["AppStore"],
        "selectedColumns": ["#account_id", "#distinct_id", "accountid"]

# Request Parameter Description

$$ Parameter name Sample value Parameter type Mandatory or not Parameter description
projectId 0 String Yes Project numeric identity
eventView - Object Yes Same parameters as Event Analysis Query interface
events List Yes Same parameters as Event Analysis Query interface
sliceDate "2019-11-26" String No Go into detail by which date
sliceGroupVal ["Beijing City"] List Yes Go into detail by which group
eventIndex 0 int Yes Go into detail by which number of metrics, starting from 0
selectedColumns ["#account_id"] List Yes The columns to be downloaded


The main structure of request parameters could be exported from the event analysis screen of the TE system, while such parameters as sliceDate, eventIndex, eventDate, sliceGroupVal, and selectedColumns could be added. Detailed parameter values could be obtained from the screen interface.

# Response

Same with the download of the event analysis user list of the TE system

# Generic enumeration for event analysis

# Aggregate type enumeration for event analysis

Value Description Whether properties are required
TOTAL_TIMES Total number No
TRIG_USER_NUM Number of users triggered No
PER_CAPITA_TIMES Number of times per capita No
SUM Sum of values Yes
AVG Numerical average Yes
FOR _ CAPITA _ NUM Per capita Yes
MAX Maximum value Yes
MIN Numerical minimum Yes
DISTINCT Deduplicate number Yes
TRUE True number Yes
FALSE False number Yes
IS_NOT_EMPTY Not an empty number Yes
IS_EMPTY Null number Yes
ARRAY_DISTINCT List overall deduplicate number Yes
ARRAY_SET_DISTINCT Element collection deduplicate number Yes
ARRAY_ITEM_DISTINCT List element deduplicate number Yes
MEDIAN Median Yes
PERCENTILE Percepentiles Yes