# 지표 API
호출 방법에 대해서는 오픈 API의 호출 방법 설명을 참조하십시오.
사용 시나리오를 이해하려면 사용자 가이드에서 지표를 참조할 수 있습니다.
# 1. 지표 목록
인터페이스 URL
요청 방법
콘텐츠 유형
요청 쿼리 파라미터
Parameter name | Sample value | Parameter type | Is required | Parameter description |
token | xxx | String | Yes | token |
Request Body Parameter
"projectId": 102,
"metricName": "retention_1",
"metricDesc": "retention_day1",
"metricModes": ["EVENT","RETENTION"],
$$Parameter name | Sample value | Parameter type | Is required | Parameter description |
projectId | 102 | Integer | Yes | Project ID |
metricName | retention_1 | String | No | Metric Name |
metricDesc | retention_day1 | String | No | Display name |
metricModes | ["EVENT", "RETENTION"] | List | No | Created from
createUser | root | String | No | Login user name |
updateUser | root | String | No | Login user name |
timeParticle | day | String | No | Unit of the time period taken for analysis
성공적인 요청 예시
"metricId": 1,
"projectId": 2,
"metricName": "retention_1",
"metricDesc": "retention_day1",
"metricRemark": "test_retention",
"metricMode": "EVENT",
"createUser": "root",
"updateUser": "root",
"createTime": "2022-12-12 10:10:00",
"updateTime": "2022-12-12 10:10:00",
"format": "FORMAT_FLOAT"
"return_code": 0,
"return_message": "success"
# 2. 지표 쿼리
인터페이스 URL
요청 방법
콘텐츠 유형
요청 쿼리 파라미터
Parameter name | Sample value | Parameter type | Is required | Parameter description |
token | xxx | String | Yes | token |
Request Body Parameter
"eventView": {
"comparedByTime": true,
"comparedStartTime": "2021-12-14 00:00:00",
"comparedEndTime": "2021-12-20 23:59:59",
"comparedRecentDay": "8-14",
"startTime": "2021-12-21 00:00:00",
"endTime": "2021-12-27 23:59:59",
"recentDay": "1-7",
"timeParticleSize": "day",
"groupBy": [{
"columnDesc": "brand",
"columnName": "brand",
"propertyRange": "",
"specifiedClusterDate": "2021-12-28",
"tableType": "event"
"relation": "and",
"filts": [{
"columnDesc": "brand",
"columnName": "brand",
"comparator": "equal",
"filterType": "SIMPLE",
"ftv": ["Apple", "Xiaomi"],
"specifiedClusterDate": "2021-12-28",
"tableType": "event",
"timeUnit": ""
"queryFeature": {
"approximateOn": true,
"globalQueryOn": false
"zoneOffset": 0
"projectId": 377,
"useSameResultKey": false,
"useCache": true,
"limit": 1000,
"timeoutSeconds": 10
$$Parameter name | Sample value | Parameter type | Is required | Parameter description |
eventView | - | Object | Yes | Metrics common attribute part. |
eventView.comparedByTime | true | Boolean | No | Whether to compare the time, TRUE: Yes, FALSE: No |
eventView.comparedStartTime | 2021-12-14 00:00:00 | String | No | Contrast time start time (format: yyyy-MM-dd HH: mm: ss), the comparison time is valid when the relative time is empty |
eventView.comparedEndTime | 2021-12-20 23:59:59 | String | No | Compare time end time (format: yyyy-MM-dd HH: mm: ss), valid when the comparison time is empty relative to time |
eventView.comparedRecentDay | 8-14 | String | No | Comparison time relative time (when comparedByTime is TRUE, this item cannot be empty both with the start time and end time of the comparison time) |
eventView.startTime | 2021-12-21 00:00:00 | String | No | Start time (format: yyyy-MM-dd HH: mm: ss), valid when the relative time is empty |
eventView.endTime | 2021-12-27 23:59:59 | String | No | End time (format: yyyy-MM-dd HH: mm: ss), valid when the relative time is empty |
eventView.recentDay | 1-7 | String | No | Relative time (this item cannot be empty both with the start time and the end time) |
eventView.relation | and | String | No | Logical relationship, and: logical and, or: logical or |
eventView.timeParticleSize | day | String | Yes | Unit of the time period taken for analysis
eventView.groupBy | - | List | No | Grouping property part, zero or more |
eventView.groupBy.columnName | brand | String | Yes | Field name |
eventView.groupBy.columnDesc | Brand | String | No | Field display name |
eventView.groupBy.propertyRange | String | No | Self-defined property interval | |
eventView.groupBy.propertyRangeType | String | No | Property interval type, which can be used as self-defined bucketing conditions when grouping numeric properties
| |
eventView.groupBy.specifiedClusterDate | 2021-12-28 | String | No | Historical tag version of specified date |
eventView.groupBy.tableType | event | String | Yes | |
eventView.filts | - | List | No | Global filters parts |
eventView.filts.columnDesc | Brand | String | No | Field display name |
eventView.filts.columnName | brand | String | Yes | Field name |
eventView.filts.comparator | equal | String | Yes | Reference: filtering expression of model query API |
eventView.filts.filterType | SIMPLE | String | No | Filtering mode, SIMPLE: simple, COMPOUND: compound, default as SIMPLE |
eventView.filts.ftv | ["Apple", "Xiaomi"] | List | No | Property comparative with bound literial |
eventView.filts.specifiedClusterDate | 2021-12-28 | String | No | Historical tag version of specified date |
eventView.filts.tableType | event | String | Yes | |
eventView.filts.timeUnit | String | No | Property filter unit, only valid to relativeEvent*:day,hour,minute | |
eventView.queryFeature | - | Object | No | Query configuration |
eventView.queryFeature.approximateOn | true | Boolean | No | Enable approximate calculation or not |
metrics | ["retention_1","dau"] | list | Yes | List of Product Metrics |
projectId | 377 | Integer | Yes | Project numeric identity |
zoneOffset | 0 | Integer | No | Time zone |
useCache | true | Boolean | No | Use cache, optional parameter, default value: true |
limit | 1000 | Integer | No | Upper limit of the group number of each analysis object, optional parameter, default value: 1000, maximum value: 10000 |
timeoutSeconds | 10 | Integer | No | Request timeout parameter. Query task should be cancelled after the request times out. |
성공적인 요청 예시
"data": {
"result_generate_time": "2021-12-30 11:15:41",
"union_groups": [
"WeChat built-in browser",
"x": [
"x_compared": [
"y": [
"retention_1": [
"group_cols": [
"group_num": 3,
"values": [
"values_compared": [
"group_cols": [
"group_num": 3,
"values": [
"values_compared": [
"group_cols": [
"group_num": 3,
"values": [
"values_compared": [
"dau": [
"group_cols": [
"group_num": 2,
"values": [
"values_compared": [
"group_cols": [
"group_num": 2,
"values": [
"values_compared": [
"return_code": 0,
"return_message": "success"
응답 파라미터 설명
$$Parameter name | Sample value | Parameter type | Parameter description |
data | - | Object | Return results |
data.result_generate_time | 2021/12/29 12:00 | String | Query result generation time |
data.union_groups | ["Apple"] | List | All Grouping Set |
data.x | ["2021-12-23"] | List | X-axile time |
data.x_compared | ["2021-12-16"] | List | X-axile comparison time |
data.y | - | List | Y-axile data list |
data.y.{metric name} | - | List | Y-axile metric information list |
data.y.{metric name}.group_cols | ["Apple"] | List | Y-axile metric group |
data.y.{metric name}.group_num | 3 | Integer | Y-axile metric group number |
data.y.{metric name}.values | ["0"] | List | Y-axile metric value |
data.y.{metric name}.values_compared | ["447"] | List | Y-axile time comparison metric value |
return_code | 0 | Integer | Return code |
return_message | success | String | Return message |